World takes a stand against powerful greenhouse gases with implementation of Kigali Amendment

The world has taken an important step on the road to drastically reduce the production and consumption of powerful greenhouse gasses known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and limit global warming, with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer coming into force on 1st January 2019.

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Launch of CVQ Certification Programme for RAC Technicians

During the period January, 2019 to December, 2019 twenty five refrigeration and air conditioning technicians will be participating in the Levels I and II Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Refrigeration and Air conditioning programme.  The programme is being implemented by the Government Technical Institute with support from the National Ozone Action Unit, through HCFC Phase-out Management Plan project.

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Workshop on Good Servicing Practices – Phasing-out HCFCs in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning technicians are invited to participate in a workshop on good servicing practices.  The workshop is planned under the HPMP project as part of Guyana’s effort to phase out HCFCs in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.  The workshop will be held every Saturday from January 19 – February 16, 2019 at the Demerara Distillers Training Room (DIMATECH), Great Diamond, East Bank Demerara from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm daily.    

You are kindly asked to confirm your participation with the National Ozone Action Unit by January 12, 2019 on Tel: 225-9303 / 226-5403.

World Ozone Day and the importance of the Montreal Protocol: “Keep Cool and Carry On”

ANNUALLY on September 16, we celebrate World Ozone Day. World Ozone Day is a direct result of the Montreal Protocol, which is one of the most significant environmental treaties. The Montreal Protocol successfully committed 197 of the world’s nations, including Guyana, to cooperate in phasing out the use of Ozone- depleting substances in 1987.

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Train-the-trainers workshop for enforcement officers

During the development of Guyana’s HCFC Phase-out Management Plan Stage II project, the need to train Customs Officers and other enforcement personnel and collaborating agencies in the legal framework in place to monitor and control trade in ozone depleting substances was recognised as an important element of the overall phase-out strategy.

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UG gets G$10M worth of refrigeration training equipment

THE University of Guyana (UG) Faculty of Technology has received G$10M worth of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment and a new refrigerant management course to aid in the elimination of harmful ozone gases.

This presentation was held on Tuesday at the Faculty of Technology and was made possible through collaborative efforts by the Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

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GRA reaffirms commitment to monitoring of ports for ozone depleting equipment – on International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Georgetown, Friday 16, September 2016: Today, September 16 marks the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the 1987 signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

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Guyana and the fight to protect the Ozone Layer

In the face of overwhelming evidence, Governments across the world have not only acknowledged that climate change is a serious threat to mankind’s very existence, but they have also launched several programmes towards reversing its damaging effects.
One of the ways in which world leaders sought to address this worrying environmental issue is by signing on to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer and also the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.

The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer is a landmark international agreement designed to protect the stratospheric ozone layer. The treaty was originally signed in 1987 and substantially amended in 1990 and 1992. The Protocol stipulates that the production and consumption of compounds that deplete ozone in the stratosphere are to be phased out by 2000 (2005 for methyl chloroform).

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