During the period January, 2019 to December, 2019 twenty five refrigeration and air conditioning technicians will be participating in the Levels I and II Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Refrigeration and Air conditioning programme. The programme is being implemented by the Government Technical Institute with support from the National Ozone Action Unit, through HCFC Phase-out Management Plan project.
The specially offered programme will allow practising technicians to complete the CVQ programme over a shorter period of time and based on a pace and schedule convenient to their work.
Support for the implementation of this programme was provided through the HCFC Phase-out Management Plan project via a subsidy of approximately 75% of the cost of this programme.
The programme was launched on January 21, 2019. Present at the ceremony were Ms. Delma Nedd, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture; Ms. Renita Duncan – Crandon, Principal, Government Technical Institute; Mr. Garvin Cummings, Chief Hydrometeorological Officer; representatives of the National Ozone Action Unit; representatives of the Government Technical Institute and participating technicians. Participating technicians are expected to graduate in December, 2019.
Technicians participating in the certification programme with representatives from agencies At the front table from left to right Dr. Garvin Cummings, Chief Hydrometeorological Officer; Ms. Delma Nedd, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture; Mr. Zainool Rahaman, chairperson Ms. Delma Nedd, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture during her delivery of remarks to participants Ms. Renita Crandon Duncan, Principal, Government Technical Institute during her remarks