In observance of World Refrigeration Day, 2019 a live panel discussion on the refrigeration and air conditioning sector was aired on national television on Guyana on June 24, 2019. The panelists included Mr. Zainool Rahaman of the National Ozone Action Unit, Mr. Carlyle Benjamin of the University of Guyana and Mr. Patrick Chinedu of the Ministry of Education. The key discussions included the importance of the cooling sector to our society, the impact of this sector on our environment and how the sector can better position itself to ensure that development within this sector is undertaken in a sustainable manner. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Nerissa Pearson, TV / Radio Producer of the National Communications Network.
On June 26, a seminar was held for private and public stakeholders in this sector. During the seminar participants viewed the World Refrigeration Day Webinar organised by OzonAction and ASHRAE under the theme:
In addition, the draft Guyana standard on Safe Handling of Refrigerants was presented by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards and the National Ozone Action Unit. This was followed by a discussion on the standard which allowed the audience to provide feedback on the draft national standard. As part of the event, Mr. George Jervis, Chief Technical Officer, presented brief remarks on the Occasion of World Refrigeration Day on the behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The draft Guyana standard Requirements for Safe Handling of Refrigerants may be downloaded here. Comments may be submitted directly to the Guyana Bureau of Standards using the form provided in the link.