ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR EXPO 2020

Join over 3,000 buildings-related engineers, architects, contractors, students, and other industry professionals for this 5-day event packed with technical sessions, education, industry-advancing committee meetings and social events. Your conference badge will provide entrance to the AHR Expo, the world’s largest HVAC&R marketplace. Click here to learn more at the AHR 2020 Expo and ASHRAE Winter Conference.

Seminar on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Technologies for the Cooling Sector

A seminar on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Technologies for the Cooling Sector was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Center from December 3-5, 2019 in Georgetown, Guyana.  This event was organised in response to the impending replacement of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.  Guyana, as a signatory to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, joined countries around the world in 2016 in support of the phase-down of high global warming potential substances that threaten to derail global efforts to mitigate climate change.  In 2024, Guyana is expected to commence reducing our importation of HFCs.

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Seminar on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Technologies for the Cooling Sector

You are invited to a Seminar on Energy Efficiency and Alternative Technologies for the Cooling Sector at the Arthur Chung Conference Center, Liliendaal, Georgetown, Guyana, December 3-5, 2019, 8:30 am – 5: 00 pm

RSVP at 225-9303 / 226-5403. Only registered persons will be permitted to participate

Refrigerants Literacy and Sound Refrigerant Management e-learning Courses

Interested persons may access these online courses here. To enrol into these courses ASHRAE Members may choose the English Version under the ‘ASHRAE Members’ heading under the respective courses. Non-ASHRAE members should access the English Version of the course under the heading ‘UNEP Clients’.

The 4.5 hours Refrigerants Literacy Course offers basic understanding about refrigerant types, policies, classifications and management practices. It is aimed at non-specialists in the field, such as facility managers, policy makers, and other individuals who are involved in refrigerant issues from a non-technical perspective.

The Sound Management of Refrigerants Course is a 6.5 hours course that specifically targets technical personnel in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector.

What Gas?

The OzonAction “WhatGas?” application allows you to quickly find information on any specific refrigerant or refrigerant blend as well as other ozone depleting substances, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and alternative chemicals. Click here to access this application online. The WhatGas? app may be downloaded from Google Play (WhatGas?) or the Apple Store (UNEP).

UN Secretary-General’s Message for World Ozone Day, 16 September 2019

[This] week, the world will gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Climate Action Summit, which aims to generate a massive step-up in global ambition in addressing the climate emergency. Another year of record heatwaves, superstorms and climate disruption tells us we have no choice but to act now before it is too late.

Continue reading UN Secretary-General’s Message for World Ozone Day, 16 September 2019

R-22 and the Close of Summer

At the beginning of this year many folks thought that the price of R-22 would rise and rise. Some were predicting prices at five-hundred or even six-hundred dollars for a thirty pound cylinder. After all, this was the last true summer for R-22. At the end of this year on January 1st, 2020 the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s phase out of R-22 will be complete.

Read the full article here