Notice to Importers of Refrigerant gases and Ozone Depleting Substances

Pursuant to Trade (Restrictions on Import of Ozone Depleting Substances) Order No. 19 of 2007 and Amendment No. 6 of 2010.

Importers of Refrigeration gases are being asked/reminded to register with the National Ozone Action Unit (NOAU) of the Hydrometeorological Service, Ministry of Agriculture and apply for permits to import their annual quotas of controlled Hydrocholoroflourocarbons (HCFCs), R22, R141b and Methyl Bromide.

It is also requisite that importers of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that is R134a, R410a, R404a, R407c etc. also indicate their intended import quantities for the year 2022. Many exporting countries have signed on to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and are seeking permits from the importing countries before the HFC refrigerants are shipped.

Hence, the possession of the permits beforehand will expedite the importation process. Importers can access the Registration and Application forms from the National Ozone Action Unit, Hydrometeorological Service, 18 Brickdam, Georgetown, or online at:-

World Refrigeration Day 2021 Message

World Refrigeration Day is celebrated annually on the June 26. The theme this year is “Cooling Champions: Cool Careers for a better world”

The day recognizes the importance of cooling in our daily life for example transportation (mobile refrigeration containers and trucks) of perishable, keeping perishables for long periods in a safe manner for transportation and use at later dates. In order to transport some medical supplies, it is important to store them in a cold store environment (Covid 19 vaccines). More importantly in our daily life we need maintenance of all the equipment we have. This demands a level of expertise to manage these equipment and Continue reading World Refrigeration Day 2021 Message